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Info Sheet - Gregory L. Ray

Died 16 May 1973 at the age of 25
Need Nam photos and your comments.


1LT Gregory L. Ray died after his tour in Vietnam on 05/16/1973 at the age of 25. He was a passenger in a helicopter that crashed at Ft. Knox, KY during an equipment test flight.

Accident information: 7-1 CAV. A/C crashed 2 miles north of Muldraugh during a flight to evaluate a new night vision device (starlight scope) at Ft. Knox. A/C slung a short shaft, hit a wire during autorotation and crashed.

He was from New Orleans, LA
Flight Class 71-46
Date of Birth 04/05/1948

This information was provided to the VHPA by Kevin Allen, Lee Luckon 04/11/2008