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Info Sheet - William Andrew "Bill" Busygin
Died 21 March 1999

John V. "DJ" Medeiros: Sunday, October 24, 1999
To all members of the 3/4 Cav Assoc, and the 25th ID, Bill Busygin, formerly of Charlie & Delta Troop, 1969, passed away in March, 1999 from heart attack. We will surely miss him.

Jim Kreil: I remember Busygin getting his M60 shot out of his hands, I forget who he was flying as observer gunner with. He generally flew with 1LT Larry Wilkerson on scout ships. Bill stayed in touch with Wilkerson (who retired as a COL), over 26 years. He then met him at the wall. Bill traveled from Sonoma CA on veterans day to meet COL Wilkerson. There were several guys that came out from the other troops to be gunner observers. We called him SGT Rock because whenever someone came in with a good story he always said that ain't nothing compared to being in the field. It was good nature teasing.

Larry Wilkerson: Over two decades ago, when I was working for then-CJCS Gen Powell, my Observer for a time, Bill Busygin, came to see me in DC. We had a hoot while he was here, going over old times. Just a short time later his California friends let me know he had passed away. Fair to say, I suppose, that the grave beckons us all today, some admittedly more strongly than others. And many of us, as your roster reflects, have like Bill already arrived there.